June 1, 2008"Parasitic", the first video from San Francisco-based industrial black metallers PSYCLON NINE, can be viewed below. The song comes off the band's "Crwn Thy Frnicatr" CD, which was released in 2006 via Metropolis Records. The clip was shot in November 2007 in Cleveland, Ohio shortly after the group's fall tour with MUSHROOMHEAD. Richard Thomas (a.k.a. Stitch) of MUSHROOMHEAD directed the video and MUSHROOMHEAD percussionist Dan "Little Dan" Fox sat behind the kit for the shoot. Fox had pulled double duty with MUSHROOOMHEAD and PSYCLON NINE for the spring and fall tours the two bands teamed up for in 2007.
PSYCLON NINE has released three full-length albums since 2003 and is currently putting the finishing touches on its follow-up to "Crwn Thy Frnicatr". No release date has been announced.
Commented PSYCLON NINE musical mastermind Nero Bellum: "The release of the video for 'Parasitic' has opened new doors for PSYCLON NINE and has inspired me to work on more film projects surrounding the release of the new album. I feel that the visual aspect of music and performance plays a very important role and I'm spending a lot of time focusing on blending the two elements. My vision is to create something that stimulates in a very provocative way. Whether it be emotional, sexual, or violent, it's going to be very potent and very real. The concepts for the new album are also very real and they deal with a lot of questions revolving around life, afterlife, love, hate, religion, and sexuality. The music itself, however, will be able to stand completely on its own. As a band, we have evolved so much with each of our releases and with this new album there is no exception. So far we've gone leaps and bounds head first into new realms as well as advancing and refining what defines and separates us from the rest of the counter culture acts and with the addition of new studio and live musicians we've been able explore entirely new realms sonically and visually. This is definitely the strongest we've ever been and this new album will be the spearhead of a new and destructive era of PSYCLON NINE."
For more information, visit www.psyclonnine.com.